No Sail is a Donald & Goofy short released 7 September 1945.
Goofy and Donald hire a "U-Drive Sail Boat" at the marina. They board the coin-operated vessel, Donald inserts a nickel, and the sail mechanism deploys. After a short trip, the sail retracts so Donald deposits another coin. They quickly run out of nickels and spend the night at sea.
Several days and nights later, the pair are parched and starving. A flying fish lands in the boat, but as the two squabble over it, a seagull lands on Donald's head and eats the fish. Goofy grabs a stick to club the gull, but as he swings, the bird moves and he hits Donald. It lands on Goofy's head, so he hands the stick to Donald, who whacks Goofy when the bird moves again. After a couple more attempts, the bird flying away, but a shark swims past.
Seeing a whole school of sharks, Goofy grabs his fishing pole and begins to cast, but accidentally hooks Donald and flings him far out from the boat. Donald struggles with the sharks, but Goofy can't reel him in because he is struggling with his tangled fishing line. The sharks Donald is holding take off with him, spinning Goofy like a top, but it untangles his line and he reels it in. He accidentally drops him bill-first into the coin slot, which deploys the sail and sends them off into the sunset.